• After school, students can connect with tutors to review their work assignments, complete their homework, and prepare for tests.  Our online Homework Assistance is open four days a week (Monday – Thursday). If extra help is needed on other days, one-on-one tutoring appointments can be arranged.

    Benefits Include:

    • Help and support from our tutors.
    • Online review and monitoring of homework completion as well as grades.
    • Assistance with organization, study skills, and test preparation.
    • Provides positive reinforcement to help maintain motivation.

    How it Works:

    • Students sign into a Zoom session by grade everyday to review their work plan for the day. 
    • If a student has questions while working, they contact their assigned Homework Assistance Lead who will connect the student with a tutor.
    • When a homework assignment is complete, students will have their work reviewed and corrected for completion.
    • Students’ grades will be reviewed weekly, and the Homework Assistance Lead will meet with your student to discuss his/her progress and areas requiring improvement.

    Contact Susan at susancwilliams@earthlink.net to discuss what is the best approach for your student.

    “A better education, a better life.”